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Design and deliver in 3D with the powerful features of SketchUp Pro.

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A New Way to Start SketchUp


Live Components

Introducing parametric objects that are programmed with geometry modeling logic. Customize dimensions and sizes for repeated object use; quickly add rich context and make adjustments in real-time to produce more detailed designs in less time; or rapidly iterate large sets of components all at once as project requirements change.

Live Components with the 2021 SketchUp update allows for greater project scalability and benefits a wide range of use cases including architectural configuration, interior design, as-built modeling, space planning, and rapid iterations of concept or aesthetic

Improve your tag management in SketchUp

Group tags into folders to locate and work easier.

Control the visibility of all tags in a folder at once, to turn on and off chunks of your model.

Filtering tags is finally possible in SketchUp! Type in your naming prefixes to quickly select similar tags and stash them in a folder.