Sophos Rapid Response

Emergency Cyber Incident Response Service

The best way to minimize the cost and impact of a cyberattack is to plan ahead.

Incident response requires a specialized skill set, so it’s a good idea to have on-hand the contact details of people you can call on immediately in the event of a breach.

The Sophos Rapid Response service provides emergency incident response support 24/7/365. Our experts can quickly step in to triage, contain, and neutralize active threats, and work with your team to remediate the attack.

With thousands of hours of incident response experience, our team has seen and dealt with everything from entry-level attackers to nation-state adversaries.

Add Sophos Rapid Response to your incident response plan. We hope you never need to call us, but we’re always here for you if you do.

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8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday