Going back to the office will be anything but back to normal
Identify the right solutions to support
a flexible way to work
Finding the right balance between what worked before and how offices should be structured today is going to be a big challenge. Careful planning will be key—and it’s going to require all of the leadership insights you can muster.
Citrix is here to help you through the process. Get the expert insights you need to reopen as safely and seamlessly as possible—all while giving employees the support they need to remain productive and engaged.

Build your back-to-office plan
You changed your policies, adopted new technologies and enabled employees to work from home.
But now, it’s time to start thinking about bringing people back to the office.
Only this time, you’ll need to look at the workplace from a whole new perspective—one with
far-reaching implications for not just employees but families, customers and communities, too.
From health screenings and employee wellness to local mandates and legal compliance, there’s a lot to consider.

Getting ready to go back to the office?
Download our eBook for best practices to simplify the process, meet employee expectations, and improve their experience
See what leading analysts recommend
Get the step-by-step guide from Gartner for strategies you can use to ensure staff stays safe and feels secure, while creating an employee experience to help keep people as productive as ever.