Poly Studio P5

Professional Webcam

Look so good that you’ll crush every meeting with the Poly Studio P5 webcam, built for those serious about quality video. Fine-tuned Poly optics do wonders for your professional image, no matter where you work, with brilliant colors and incredible clarity. The rugged design makes this webcam perfect for professionals of all types.

  • Exceptional camera optics and automatic low-light compensation
  • Hear and be heard wherever you work
  • You can take it with you: small, rugged and portable
  • Make life simple: easy to use, setup, manage and troubleshoot

Poly Studio P5 Kits

Poly Studio P5 BW3210

POLY STUDIO P5 KIT with Blackwire 3210

Professional webcam and single-ear corded headset

Poly Studio P5 BW3325

POLY STUDIO P5 KIT with Blackwire 3325

Professional webcam and stereo corded headset

Poly Studio P5 VG4420

POLY STUDIO P5 KIT with Voyager 4220 UC

Professional webcam and stereo wireless headset

Poly Studio P5 Sync 20

POLY STUDIO P5 KIT with Poly Sync 20+

Professional webcam and smart speakerphone


Polystudio P5 Feature


Do wonders for your professional image with the Poly Studio P5 webcam. Fine-tuned Poly optics make you look so good that you’ll own the conversation. All in a small, rugged webcam that’s super easy to set up and use. It’s even simple for IT to manage with Poly Lens.


The Poly Studio P5’s directional microphone clearly captures your voice while ignoring the distracting noise that interrupts your calls. For the best experience, pair it with a Poly headset or speakerphone so you’re ready to tackle your most critical conversations with confidence

Polystudio P5 Feature
Polystudio P5 Feature


Automatic low-light compensation and brilliant colors make you look your best, without being left in the dark. The 1080p resolution with 4x digital zoom camera puts the focus on you, right where it belongs.


Streamline your setup by using a Poly headset or speakerphone connected wirelessly to the Poly Studio P5 webcam. Just pop open the rear garage door, park your USB-A wireless adapter and presto! Your audio and video are ready to go.

Polystudio P5 Feature